Beiträge von Regulator

    Decided it would be time to register and help out a game I love..

    Anyways, as for the testing on this.

    I started a game last night after downloading the 4.164b patch, and everything seemed to work fine for a while.

    Some of the text is still buggy, but after a restart of the game it worked fine.
    I also got a weird bug at the "Start Game" screen, where I couldn't select the year number (1,2,3,4) and all I got was two brackets next to eachother (][)

    House naming works fine, no problems at all with it.

    The actual gameplay seemed to be doing fine, although the one year makes the game quite unbalanced, I was making a ridiculous amount of money, and had around 350k after 4 or 5 days. One thing I did notice about the one year setting was that my child was getting a bug with the apprenticeship. She would apply for an apprenticeship, and the next day it gave me the same message again, saying that I need to apply for an apprenticeship. After I clicked the same option again, it told me that my child interrupted the apprenticeship, and it wouldn't go away until I clicked cancel.

    Around the year 1412 I stopped playing, with no real major issues, except that people seem to not be running for offices anymore at all, except lease master and executioner.

    When I loaded the game up today, I tried to load the game from 1412, and just CTD about 15 times trying different things, now I'm going for a reinstall and another game test.

    Map I used was Castrum Novarasium.