Beiträge von sgallaty

    "stuck npcs"

    I get a lot of mercenaries and robbers who get 'stuck' in some ai state that doesn't permit me to issue any commands to them. seems somehow related to combat occurring while they are setting up for 'toll'/'robbery' duty - maybe.

    towns issuing forth gobs of equipped, respawning guards is pretty lame. the town should be furnishing guards from the armory and hiring them. if a player manages to get the manpower necessary to dominate the militia, then that's what the player manages to do.

    mining gems is still the most profitable effort/hour activity possible. maybe make gems come as a rare bonus to mining gold, or something - anything. The current 'easy win' is still to take over a mine at any cost and mine gems. competitive strategies would be good to see, too.

    all of a players military troops, or at least the mercenaries should have all the military options that thugs have (escort/patrol)

    rather than annoyingly detailed trade routes for carts, it would be super useful to be able to build warehouses that are the first-source for our own businesses, that are supplied by setting numeric 'stock levels' of specific resources. (I.e. 100 iron), and also buy-prices that will allow npcs to sell to them, and that would have upgrades like the OLD warehouses (speed bonus to horses, etc.)

    npcs go apeshit and stand outside churches en masse trying to pray. not sure why this happens, but it's annoying.

    would like to see the limitation lifted on 'worker' and 'same dynasty worker' for marriage. late game it can quickly become nearly impossible to find able females without hiring/firing to create unemployed npcs, which is lame as hell.

    need a way to assign ownership of businesses to specific NPCs (like the house 'assign owner" action). late game you end up with junk owned by the wrong npcs

    shift-clicking on a building should select that building's npc's.

    military npcs need to be a LOT smarter about defense. they need to prioritize targets in a much better order :

    1) enemies attacking one of the three player characters
    2) enemies attacking another player npc
    3) closest enemy

    if enemies are NOT in striking range they should NOT run off to engage them.

    what happened to ranged weapons? am I just missing them? The guild 1 had crossbows/pistols. My character seems to most obviously have a slot for a holdout pistol, but I've never seen one, or seen it mentioned.

    more to come as I think of it