Beiträge von Stephanov

    Now I'm not an expert on medieval guards, but aren't swords and armour, let alone iron extremely expensive in a pre-industrial age?

    Also, imagining having to carry a sword around all day without a sheathe/sling.

    Wouldn't a pike/halberd make more logical sense? At least if you have to stand around all day, you'd have something to lean on.

    When I looked at the clothing, I also noticed it's red. I'm fairly certain that red used to be one of the most expensive colours to produce back in the 1400s...

    The guy in the image, doesn't strike me as your every day medieval guard. The captain of the guard at most.

    More of a realistic observation, but o well.

    I hope you'll find my feedback (nitpicking) useful ;)

    If you think back to The Guild and The Guild 2 regarding history, which game matches your needs the best? Are actual history and historical events important for you?

    Let us know how much, if any, actual history you want to see in the game!

    I think historical events can help bring the game to life.

    Let's say you were a patron, you have a dynasty built on brewing.

    Suddenly there's an event saying "The Duke of Bavaria has enacted the Bavarian Purity Law" (Reinheitsgebot)

    Your character is given the option to adopt this law (or maybe forced to if the game takes place in Bavaria) and as such can receive a bonus.

    Speaking of history - The game should allow you to make your mark in history. Let's say you founded a brewery in 1402, you can become one of those great old beers, your character gets absorbed into history.

    He should have an overexxagerated posh accent and have a bunch of horrible puns. They also need to have an extremely dry laugh after that.

    "Could I ask what brings you here if I may be so self en-TITLEd?"

    "I can't just give people any title you know. That you'll have to baron mind."

    "I guess I can always COUNT on you to want to achieve a higher title."

    "You can't be SIReous, you're here again?"

    "I suppose where you're standing you're itching to DUKE it out!"

    Was ich cool finden wuerde is das mann auch ausser produktion jobs hat - womit man zum beispiel prestige aufbauen kann.

    Stadtwache? Wenn mann [captain of the guard?] ist konnte mann seine reserve Verwandschaften heuern.

    Körperschutz zu einen Edelman? Prestige und $$$

    [Erstens enschultigung, mein geschriebenes Deutsch ist nicht so sehr beindruckend aber das Englische forum is leiter nicht so sehr aktiv :Angel: ]

    Es soll mehrere sprachen geben die allen ein eigene einfluss haben.

    Nobilitaet sollte negativ beindruckt sein wenn einer character kein Franzosich/Hoch deutsch reden kann.

    Kleriker sollten am anfang (bis vielleicht der ubersetzung der Bibel) Latein reden

    Es gibt heute schon oft situationen wo Sprachen Barrieren entstehen - das sollte in 1400 wo jedes dorf sein eigenes dialect hat noch ein schlimmerer impact haben.

    Man konnte dann auch zum Beispiel seinen Kind/bruder/etc. nach dem Ausland schicken om so eine Sprache Barriere ab zu reissen.

    So I notice from this poll and the German one that the votes are quite even. My question is: Would it even be feasible to make the frequency an option (either/or/or) at this point or are we going to have set times?

    How about as an alternative a mayor can get an action "postpone council meeting" for the cost of either reputation or some of the city funds (as administrative costs)