English Support

  • I realize of course that Nirvana and the rest of their team might be on a low budget or whatever else. And It should be noted before hand that I'm not complaining. I appreciate all of the work being done on this game as much if not more than the next guy. I've been following this series since Europa 1400, and I'm very thankful as this game has more play time by myself and my friends than any other game in about a decade.

    That being said...

    Please for the love of God and all that is holy to you, provide a little better support for non German speakers on this site. I realize this is the "new" site for support, but It took me 15 minutes of copy/pasting into Google translate to even register on this site.

    Just saying. Not a huge deal, but 4/5 of my friends gave up in the first 5 minutes. It would make the game and its community feel a little more welcome here as far as the native English speakers are concerned. Thanks.

    Edit: After reading Aragornil's response, I looked further and completely overlooked that option. I was assuming it would be more mid screen around the process itself, not on the very bottom of the webpage. I had to load the page without a google translate overlay for it to display properly for me to click it in Firefox.... I apologize for my lack of observation. If you would like, you can delete this pointless post that only displays my own ignorance lol.

  • It's quite easy to choose your language right at the beginning of the registration process. It's in the lower left corner of the website...