smoking building bug?

  • Experienced a pretty weird bug tonight:

    I was building a mansion when suddenly the building started smoking (no flames). It was still during the build phase, so basically just a frame of the building. The health of the building went down rapidly, it finished being constructed and continued smoking (still no fire) for some time. All the while the health was decreasing faster than if it were on fire.

    Finally it stopped, I sent one of my dynasty members there to spend the night together and she then became stuck. The only action available for her is to look at her inventory and she won't move and canceling her current action does nothing.

    Any ideas?

  • I tried that too and get the "has no time" message. I couldn't remove her from the group any way other than through the family tree gump, which I did. She's still stuck and can't be added back. Will probably have to restart from an old save. Truly odd.

    Oh - by the way, I think the "smoke" was definitely a fire because when I zoomed in the fire sound was audible. Still, the buildings health was going down much faster than when buildings are normally on fire.