New In-Game Rendering: the guardsman

  • Today we want to show you another character that you might have to deal with - some of players more than others! - in "The Guild 3": the guardsman!
    As you can see, we were inspired by the lansquenets of the late 15th and early 16th century.

    How do you find the style of this righteous fighter? Please comment below!

  • Now I'm not an expert on medieval guards, but aren't swords and armour, let alone iron extremely expensive in a pre-industrial age?

    Also, imagining having to carry a sword around all day without a sheathe/sling.

    Wouldn't a pike/halberd make more logical sense? At least if you have to stand around all day, you'd have something to lean on.

    When I looked at the clothing, I also noticed it's red. I'm fairly certain that red used to be one of the most expensive colours to produce back in the 1400s...

    The guy in the image, doesn't strike me as your every day medieval guard. The captain of the guard at most.

    More of a realistic observation, but o well.

    I hope you'll find my feedback (nitpicking) useful ;)

  • Today we want to show you another character that you might have to deal with - some of players more than others! - in "The Guild 3": the guardsman!
    As you can see, we were inspired by the lansquenets of the late 15th and early 16th century.

    How do you find the style of this righteous fighter? Please comment below!

    Man, that hat so irritating to admire lol, even though it's inspired by 16th century. ^^