Klipingen map unplayable after some turns

  • Hi if some one can help me with this very unusual bug, basically the town i am in klippingen, illuminates too brightly (hard to explain, screenshot may help) and it is only limited to klippingen, if i look at other area of map it is fine. it is impossible to play like this because it is too bright, can any one help please because i dont wish to transfer cities.
    - ass can be seen in the screenshots, klippingen only shows the bug, while other cities are fine, also in klippingen if camera is dragged to the very edges, it becomes ok, but anywhere else and still it start shining.

  • Also as you can see the in the screenshot the right most member in my group, was someone i courted n married from another dynasty, he was operatable before, but after i assigned him to work at estate farm, he changed back to his original dynasty and now cannot be removed

  • yes and also another issue i have found which makes the game hard to manage is that important persons tab. all the colored dynasties after some rounds dissapear from the important persons list, perhaps it is due to marrying a colored dynasty, but that is only an assumption. if there is a fix for it would be highly appreciated.
    - also as for this flickering things, i tried to look at the city in question with the problem from distance with camera positioned aerially like a drone, and it gives the impression as if the town is covered in fire, perhaps it could be due to an event, which then never comes to an end, in my save i remember it was triggered after, a sabotage or fire bomb, but that it didnt show up while i was playing and there was 7-8 rounds, but later when i reloaded any of them they all had this bug.
    - i also want to say explicitly that i do not wish to discredit the amazing person who created this mod, because without it the whole game was unplayble and the changes added make it so much more exciting and lovely to play!