Sales Stock Not found

  • Exactly. Don't worry, this is work in progress and the next version will replace the current sale stock system completely. Well - you could still put items into the "invisible" slots and the game will still buy things at random (for a low price) but you as a player won't be able to use the stock of other buildings. Instead there will be a new bigger and much more customizeable sell store (like: put in price % for specific goods, store more different items etc)

  • this is work in progress and the next version will replace the current sale stock system completely. [...] Instead there will be a new bigger and much more customizeable sell store (like: put in price % for specific goods, store more different items etc)

    That sounds very nice.
    Have you plan to add new panels to the Gui interface? I just started to study the file format to create my own ".gui" files, but maybe that work is already done and there is some kind of editor...