Need help stopping stink bombs!

  • Hey guys,

    Just got this mod (0.95) and loving it. But I'm getting really annoyed by my competitor constantly stink bombing my infirmary which puts it out of business for 4-6 hours!!!! (This need to be tweaked to like an hour). I can't stop it as it very early in the game and I can't even get evidence against them. They do it right in front of Baliffs and Guards!!! They do it even in front of my thugs patrolling the front of the infirmary! I can see the dynasty member run up and throw a stinkbomb in broad daylight!!! They do it EVERYDAY! It's driving me insane! Any help!

    P.S there are floating guards. You guys might want to look into that.

  • Hey. I am experiencing the same thing in my games. I'm running a tavern and about four or five years into the game, the attacks start. I tried a lot to stop those attacks, too. At first I wasn't very successful, as I put my henchmen on patrol around the tavern etc. But then I might have discovered a solution for this, which I think works most of the time. You put your personal henchmen on escorting the character working in the particular building AND this character should have a high rate of the "Empathy" skill. The reason for this is (at least I think so), when you look at the tooltip of the Empathy skill, it says that it is important for discovering Dark Arts (sorry, don't know how it is translated correctly) and Dark Arts are important to hide illegal actions. So these skills are compared againts each other and if the victim's empathy is higher than attacker's dark arts, you alert your henchmen ( and the town guards -if they are around - aswell) and they start beating at the attacker. So that's what worked for me.

    P.S. I also think, that stink bombs should be nerfed a little bit .. either higher cooldown, or less duration ... ok, I played on maximum difficulty, so the game should be hard .. but being taken out of business for mostly all the time was a little too hard ;)

  • Nope! It worked for awhile but now they don't care they bomb me twice a day now! Just nerf the stink bomb or make it like $10000000 because right now it bull shit. I can't stink bomb them without guard coming at me while they are free to do whatever! I tried dueling to stop them but since im their direct competition they constantly sabotage me. Now like 3 dynasty has joined in in their sabotage

  • Hey Fajeth,

    Love your work! It fixed everything I wanted with the vanilla game and added so much more. But this toad excrement is killing me lol I tried they are like 1000 - 3000 gold.... I lost about that much when they sabotage me. I'll just play on easy or something.